Catching Up: Publications, Interview, Reviews, Teaching Gigs, Etc

 In which I discuss the works of the late great Virginia Hamilton Adair, with thanks to Ashley Hajimirsadeghi of Sundress for the invitation:  

Videlock on Adair

Thanks to editor Tim Green of Rattle for publishing "Here in the West" back in September and "On Ceremony" back in January: 

Here in the West, Wendy Videlock

On Ceremony, Wendy Videlock

Thanks also to Tim for interviewing me for a Rattlecast in March of this year: 

Videlock Rattlecast

My thanks to editor Rick Kempa for including "Ode to the Slow" in the anthology, Deep Wild, Writing from the Backcountry: 

Thanks to Brian Palmer of THINK for printing "The Spare" and "The Old Wrangler" in a recent issue, and for accepting The Language of the Land, by the light of the moon, (a prosimetrum) for an upcoming issue:

Thanks to Melissa Bailman for her inclusion of "Everybody's a Critic" in a recent issue of Light:

Thanks to Alex Pepple for publishing "In the Womb You will Begin to Learn" in the most recent issue of Able Muse. 

And thanks to David Yezzi for his acceptance of two poems for an upcoming issue of Hopkins Review.

I'll be presenting for The Critical Path: A Symposium, sponsored by Western State University this weekend, with thanks to Jan Schreiber for the invitation: 

And last but not least, an upcoming festival here in western Colorado:  

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