A Few Things Sent out into the World

Five new poems of mine have been published in the January issue of Poetry.  

Videlock, Poetry


A poem from my forthcoming book appears in the current issue of Able Muse, A Review of Poetry and Art:

Able Muse


Three of my poems and an interview appear currently in the Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review.  
This journal does not update their website, but I highly recommend a subscription:



Upcoming at the Art Center of Western Colorado:

Make It New: Poets Take the House
Four Poets, four styles & four very distinct performances 
Curated by Luis Lopez & Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer 

Friday, January 4, 2013
Doors open 6:30 pm, performance 7:00 pm

The Art Center will host four poets who hold four very different perspectives and approaches to their work, offering four unique performances all focused on one theme: Make It New. Poets/performers featured at this event include, Frank Coons, Ladyspeech, Wendy and Shawnee Videlock, and Stewart S. Warren. Poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer will be the master of ceremonies for the First Friday event.

Upon entering, guests will be greeted by the music of Peg Oswald on Native American flute in the Atrium Gallery. The local drumming group Grand Junction Hand Drummers will open the event at 7 pm in Studio Colorado and close the poetry performances at the end of the evening.

Celebrity bartenders include Bernie Buescher, former Secretary of State.

This event is possible through the sponsorship of Farolito Press.


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